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发布于:2022-07-11 作者:jason 阅读:369





一、选择填空 (共6分,每小题0.5分)


1.I enjoy reading with Betty and she often shares ________ favorite books with me.


2.Tree Planting Day is ________ March 12th every year.


3.—________ do you go to the library, Mary?

—Usually twice a week.

A.How muchB.How longC.How farD.How often

4.—May I play football here, Miss?

—Sorry! You ________ play football in the busy street. It’s dangerous!


5.—It’s cold outside, Tina. Wear your coat, ________ you’ll catch a cold.

—OK, mom.


6.The Internet is growing fast, and becomes ________ than printing.

A.powerfulB.more powerfulC.most powerfulD.the most powerful

7.—Betty, where is my grandma?

—She ________ in the park now.

A.dancedB.dancesC.is dancingD.has danced

8.Mr. Li ________ to a new house last Sunday.

A.movesB.movedC.will moveD.is moving

9.If she ________ to Beijing, I’ll show her around the city.

A.comesB.cameC.was comingD.has come

10.—How is your reading project?

—I ________ most of the books we are supposed to read since September.

A.have readB.readC.will readD.am reading

11.The rubbish ________ from the grass, and then the campsite was clean again.

A.removedB.is removedC.was removedD.be removed

12.— Can you tell me ________ in the Science Museum?

— Sure. I will fill a bag with sand.

A.what you didB.what will you doC.what did you doD.what you will do

二、完形填空 (共8分,每小题1分)


Get Out of the Crowd and Reach New Heights

John and his friends decided to go mountain climbing in the Swiss Alps. When they reached one of the famous mountains, they were surprised to see many people already climbing it. John and his friends put on their gear(装备)and started climbing. In no time at all, they reached the top of the mountain.

His friends thought they could ____13____ there for some time and then go back. Then John saw another mountain that only a handful of people were trying to climb. He told his friends, “Let’s go and climb that mountain instead of camping here. It will be fun and ____14____!” A friend replied, “No way. It seems very difficult to climb and only a few people are climbing it now.”

John wanted to take on the challenge and started walking toward the mountain. Two hours later he reached the top. The people at the top ____15____ John with a round of applause(掌声). John was very happy to see the beautiful views of ____16____.

He then started talking with people, “This mountain is not so difficult to climb. So why are there so many people below us? If people could reach that peak(顶峰), they can reach this one if they put in some ____17____!”

An experienced climber smiled and said, “Most people in the crowd down there are happy with what they find easy. They don’t think that it is possible to ____18____ more. Even people who aren’t happy down there don’t want to take any risks. They think that if they take risks, they will ____19____ what they already have. The reality is, to reach a new peak, you just need effort. Many of them do not show any ____20____ and they remain part of the crowd their whole life. They also complain about the handful of courageous people by saying that they’re just lucky!”

After hearing this, John thanked the experienced climber for explaining the importance of courage in life.












Do you want to know some sports at the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022? Here are some interesting ones.

21. How many events are there in Figure Skating according to the passage?


22.Which one is a team sport?

A.Figure Skating.B.Ice Hockey.C.Snowboard Big Air.D.Ski Jumping.

23.What does Ski Jumping combine?

A.Speed, power and skills.B.Both ice sports and ball games.

C.Snow surfing and snowboarding.D.Beautiful music and graceful movements.


We human beings share one world and live on the same planet. The earth is beautiful and it’s our responsibility to protect it and the environment. As students, maybe we can’t do a lot about cars and factories, but we can also make our own efforts to make a difference.

Last weekend, my dad and I threw away my textbooks into intelligent waste-management recycling bins (智能垃圾分类回收机). Those textbooks are what I used in my primary school and stayed in my room for a very long time.

I once heard of Xiaohuanggou from one of my classmates. After learning about it, I told my dad about its use and purpose. Xiaohuanggou is a tech firm (科技公司) which has set up many intelligent waste-management recycling bins across the country. The bins help people sort (分类) and recycle their waste. People can throw away objects they no longer need into the bins. The intelligent bins will then weigh the objects and give rewards (奖励) to people. Then the rewards can be spent on products from the company’s app, online games or donated to charities (做慈善捐助).

Considering that there were many textbooks that I didn’t need any more, both my dad and I thought it was a good idea to throw them into the intelligent bins. As the intelligent bins can sort them, it would be more helpful and easier for workers to process (处理) the garbage.

However, many people might just throw rubbish away without sorting it. This makes it difficult to process the garbage, and much of it will be put into landfills (垃圾场) instead of being recycled. But by encouraging people with rewards, I think that Xiaohuanggou may raise public awareness (提升公众意识) of garbage sorting.

Human beings live on the earth. It is meaningful to sort garbage to protect the environment. It is not a difficult task to sort garbage before processing it. Let’s take actions together.

24.What can the intelligent waste-management recycling bins do?

①Sort the waste. ②Recycle the waste.

③Weigh the waste. ④Throw away the waste.


25.What can we learn about Xiaohuanggou?

A.The writer once heard of Xiaohuanggou from one of her teachers.

B.The rewards can be spent on products from the company’s app.

C.The rubbish without sorting makes garbage processing easier.

D.The rewards may raise public awareness of garbage sorting.

26.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A.Setting Up a Tech FirmB.Developing a New App

C.Throwing Rubbish AwayD.Recycling the Smart Way


“I don’t want to go, Miss White. I’m frightened, very frightened,” Monica told her teacher. Monica was a very quiet girl. She always sat at the back of the classroom, reading or taking notes. Every Monday morning, there would be a special show in her class and one student would be chosen to make a speech about his or her dream. Miss White hoped that Monica could have a try the next week. But she refused.

“I know that it seems difficult for you, but it will help you build up your confidence,” said Miss White. Monica was lost in thought.

The next day, Monica came to Miss White’s office. Miss White was glad that she would take the chance. Miss White red-penciled her manuscript(手稿) of speech, corrected her pronunciation and even helped with her body language. She advised Monica to practice, to imagine that she was speaking confidently in front of her class. For a whole week, Monica practiced speaking in front of her imaginary friends and teacher. Behind the locked door of her bedroom, she told them about her dream.

Finally, Monday arrived. When Monica was called upon to give her speech, she stood up and walked to the front of the class without any notes, in a show of confidence. Monica’s successful performance brought everyone a great surprise. The whole class clapped (鼓掌) for a full minute when she completed her speech. Miss White smiled. She had known that Monica would make it when she bravely took her first step to overcome(克服) her fear of speaking in public.

From that day, Monica’s life changed for the better. At the age of 23, she became a news reader. People who see her on television now will find it hard to believe that she was once a shy girl who refused to speak up in class.

27.Monica felt ________ when Miss White first asked her to make a speech next week?


28.After Monica came to Ms White’s office, she advised Monica to ________.

A.stand up and walk to the front without any notes B.practice and imagine speaking in front of her class

C.change her pronunciation and body language D.smile and clap for her classmates in the class

29.Monica’s life changed for the better because ________.

A.she was shy and refused to speak in public B.she made a speech and told others her dream

C.she overcame her fear of speaking in public D.she became a news reader and was on television


If you’re working to become better or hoping to make a change, you’ll probably hear your family and friends say “go big or go home”. But sometimes big goals can shoot you in the foot. So, is it good to set high expectations?

Having high expectations could be beneficial. It can motivate (激励) you and increase your productivity. When you have high expectations for something, you’ll probably behave in ways which can help make your expectations come true. For example, if you believe that you’re able to score an A in a test, you will probably spend a lot of time working on it. And when you have to complete a written task before the deadline, having expectations on yourself can motivate you to keep on going. Another benefit of setting high expectations is that as you start meeting your expectations, you’ll be even more motivated to set higher goals for yourself. In addition, having high expectations on yourself doesn’t only benefit you. You’re likely to encourage others to be more productive! While there’s plenty of good that comes from setting high expectations, going overboard and being unrealistic in expectations can be detrimental.

Having high expectations sometimes can cause psychological (心理的) problems, such as worry and unhappiness. The findings of a study showed that a group of students who were expected to do perfectly by their parents experienced serious stress and anxiety (焦虑). Great expectations can also lead to great disappointment. This is especially true when you set expectations on other people whose actions you cannot control. For example, if you’re feeling alone and you call up your friends, you

surely expect them to make you feel better. When this fails to happen, you will feel disappointed and displeased with your friends. To avoid this situation, you should accept your friends for who they are and set your expectations around reality.

It is hard to manage expectations, but the main goal is to find the perfect balance in setting a more realistic and achievable expectation. Learn to let go of things, especially when they don’t turn out the way you hoped. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to celebrate your victories no matter how small they are.

30.If you have a high expectation on yourself, you will probably _________.

A.discourage othersB.work hard to realize it

C.be more confident than beforeD.have high expectations

on others

31.The word “detrimental” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_________ ”.


32.The writer probably agrees that _________.

A.it’s wise to ask your friends to help you set expectations

B.stress is very likely to help you achieve your expectations

C.parents should avoid setting expectations on their children

D.we should set expectations on others according to the reality

33.What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage?

A.To offer advice on how to realize expectations.

B.To explain why people like to set high expectations.

C.To lead people to take a right attitude towards expectations.

D.To encourage people to set high expectations for themselves.


Even the most confident performers can suffer from stage fright(怯场). Stage fright is common for everyone from Broadway actors to experienced presenters. If you have stage fright, then you may start to feel nervous, shaky, or even completely frightened at the thought of performing in front of an audience. But don’t worry—you can deal with your stage fright by training your body and mind to relax and trying a few tips.

1.Fake (假装) confidence. Even if your heart is racing, just act like the coolest person in the world. Walk with your head high and a big smile on your face, and don’t tell anyone how nervous you are. Keep this posture (姿势) when you get on the stage and you’ll actually start to feel confident.

2.Create a ritual (仪式). Come up with an effective ritual for the day of your performance. This could be a five-kilometer jog on the morning of your performance, the same “last meal” before your performance, or even singing a certain song in the shower or putting on your lucky socks. Do whatever you have to do to lead yourself toward success. A lucky charm is also a great part of a ritual. It could be a necklace that’s important to you, or a silly stuffed animal like a teddy bear that cheers you on from your dressing room.

3.Think positively (积极地). Think about all of the possible amazing results of your presentation or performance instead of everything that could go wrong. Fight every negative thought with five positive ones. Keep a small card with encouraging words in your pocket, or do whatever you need to do to focus on all of the benefits that the performance will give you.

4.Get advice from a professional performer. If you have friends who have experienced performing, ask for their advice. You may learn some new tips and will be comforted by the fact that everyone gets stage fright, no matter how confident he or she may appear on stage.

34.Is stage fright common for everyone?


35.How should we walk onto the stage in order to fake confidence?


36.What should we think about before our presentation or performance?


37.Why does the writer encourage us to get advice from a professional performer?


38.What’s the main idea of the passage?



39. 从下面两个题目中选择一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作,文中已给出内容不计总词数,所给提示词语仅供选用,请不要写出你的校名和姓名。





sad, angry, control, calm, think, lesson


● What experience can you share about managing your emotion?

● What have you learned from it?







take notes, important points, review, improve


What’s your good habit? Please describe it.

What benefits have you got from this habit?

Good habits benefit a person’s whole life. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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