首页 - 外教口语 > 少儿常用英语口语推荐


发布于:2023-01-11 作者:jason 阅读:446


1.少儿常用英语口语推荐 篇一

1. It’s time for morning exercises. 早操时间到了。

2. Let’s go out / outside. 让大家到室外去。

3. Let’s go downstairs. 让大家到楼下去。

4. Let’s play on the ground. 让大家XXXXXXXX场上玩。

5. Line up. 排队。

6. Two line. 2条队。

7. At ease! / Attention. / Eyes front. / Hands down. 稍息 / 立正 / 向前看 / 手放下

8. Let’s go. 让大家走。

9. STOP. 停。

10. Count off 报数。

11. You are the winner. 你是胜利者。

12. You are the first. 你是1、。

2.少儿常用英语口语推荐 篇二

1. Hurry up. 快点。


2. Be careful. 小心。

3. One by one. 一个接着一个。

4. Be slowly, take easy. 慢点,不要着急。

5. Don’t move. 别动。

6. Let’s have a race. 让大家来个比赛。

7. Hand in hand. 手拉手。

8. Make a circle. 围一个圈。

9. Jump on one foot. 单脚跳。

10. Fall in. / Fall out. 集合。/ 解散。

11. Run. 跑。

3.少儿常用英语口语推荐 篇三

1. Use soap to wash your hands. 用香皂洗手。

2. Dry your hands with your towel. 用毛巾把手擦干。

3. Please go to the toilet / bathroom, boys go first. 男生先去洗手间。

4. Turn the tap off, when you have down. 洗完手后,把水龙头关了。

5. Show me your hands, are they clean / dirty? 让我看你的手干净了吗? / 脏吗?

6. Are you thirsty? / Are you hungry? 你渴吗?/ 你饿吗?

7. Please take your cup. 请拿你的杯子。

8. Have some water. 喝点水。

9. It’s time for lunch. 午饭时间到了。

10. Don’t spill your foods on the table. 别把你的食物洒在桌子上。

4.少儿常用英语口语推荐 篇四

1. Are you ready? 筹备好了吗?

2. Let’s start. 让大家开始。

3. Who can tell me? / Who can answer me? 哪个能告诉我?哪个能回答?

4. Look at me. 看着我。

5. Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。

6. Be quite. / Keep quite. 维持安静。

7. Sit well. / Sit nicely. 坐好。

8. Put up your hand. / Put down your hand. 把手举起来 / 把手放下。

9. STOP talking. 不要说话。

10. Is that clear? / Do you understand? 了解了么?你了解吗?

11. Read with me. 和我一块读。


12. Return to your seat. 回座位。

13. Stand up. / Sit down. 起立 / 坐下。

14. Listen carefully. 仔细听。

15. Listen to me. / Listen to the music. 听我说 / 听音乐。

5.少儿常用英语口语推荐 篇五

1. It’s bed time. 午睡时间到了。

2. Take off your coat / trousers / shoes. 脱外套 / 裤子 / 鞋。

3. Fold up your clothes / coat / trousers / shoes. 叠好衣服 / 外套 / 裤子,放好鞋。

4. Go to sleep. 睡觉。

5. Close your eyes. 闭眼。

6. Cover yourself up. 盖好被子。

7. Put hands into the quilt. 把手放进被子里。

8. Wake up. / get up. 叫醒。 / 起来。

9. Put on your clothes. 穿衣。

10. Dress yourself. 自己穿衣

11. Fold up your quilt. 叠被子。

12. Do your buttons. 扣扣子。

13. Tuck your shirt into your pants. 把衣服掖进裤子里。

14. Comb your hair. 梳头。

15. Turn life/right!向左/右转!

16. It’s time for class.该上课了。



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标签: #your #英语口语 #少儿 #英语 #常用


